HE Directory

How do you use it?

Registered users can search the directory using various parameters such as ranking, reputation, country, and city. European institutions can also take advantage of searches related to the Erasmus Program, such as by Erasmus code, Organisation ID (OID), and Participant Identification Code (PIC).

Users can quickly get access to their institution’s profile after email validation and edit and update their profile.

Major Features

  • Search from an index of over 7,000 institutions globally.
  • Filter institutions by QS rankings data or academic reputation to find the best institutions to partner with.
  • View detailed information regarding specific institutions and their subject offering, including their world and regional rankings, QS Star rating, institution size, and academic reputation
  • Access the list of faculties under a specific institution and find the most suitable to partner with
  • Quickly gain access to update your institution’s profile
  • Update your institution’s data and upload images to garner more and better views
  • Suggest changes to your partner’s profile data
  • View changes suggested by your partners to your institution’s profile and quickly apply their suggestions to your profile
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